Industry Relevant R&D

IRRD Scheme is about to revamped. Call for proposals under the new format would be notified in due course.

The objective of the scheme is to utilize the expertise available in academic institutions and national laboratories to solve industry specific problems for the larger benefit of society.


(i). Academic Partner
  • Indian citizens residing in India.
  • The academic partner must hold a regular academic/research position in an academic institution or national laboratories or recognized R&D institutions.More than one academic partner may be allowed.

(ii). Industry partner
  • All industries (including MSME & industrial R&D Centers) are eligible.
  • More than one Industry and or more than one Investigator from one Industry can be associated in a project.

Nature of Proposals to be Supported:
The scheme is aimed at supporting ideas that address a well-defined problem of industrial relevance. The proposal, therefore, shall be jointly designed and implemented by the academic partner(which includes a partner from national laboratories/recognized R&D institutions as the case may be ) and industry. The participating industry should ensure that the objectives are industrially relevant. Routine proposals that address conventional problems and those not related to industry, or with already established approaches are not encouraged. SERB will not list out the industry relevant problems, and it will be the responsibility of the investigator and the industry to join together and come up with a proposal to solve the identified problem. Ideally, the proposal must contain the characteristics of any of the following :

  1. Proposals that adopt an innovative approach to solve a problem faced by the industry.
  2. Proposals whose outcomes will bring new scientific and technological innovations.
  3. Solution driven research that aid technology transfer and commercialization.

Nature & Duration of Support:
  • The funding shall be shared between SERB and Industry. The industry share should not be less than 50 % of the total budget. Overhead is provided to the academic partner. The SERB share shall not exceed Rs. 50 lakh for a project. The upper cap may be relaxed on case to case basis.
  • The funding can be provided for a maximum period of three years.
  • The support from SERB shall be extended only to the the academic partner and not to the industry. The research grant will be provided for equipment, research personnel, consumables, travel, pilot plant study, and any other costs associated with the project. It is expected that the equipment will be installed in the institution where the academic partner is working.

Selection & Mode of Application
  • The Call for applications will be notified through the website and . The application form along with a proper research proposal should be submitted online through the website
  • The proposal must be jointly submitted by the Principal Investigator and the Co-investigator from Industry. The Industry should explicitly state in the proposal its (a) financial commitments and (b) any other support (if any) provided to the academic partner.
  • The selection will be based on scientific and technical feasibility of the proposal, track record of the PI, and commercial potential.
  • The proposal shall be subjected to peer review processes. The selection shall be made by a relevant subject committee (PAC)

How to apply online:
For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:
  • Academic partner should first register into the online website  click here to register
  • After log-in, go to Menu --> Proposal Submission --> Form Submission. Select scheme "Industry Relevant R&D (IRR)" and Click on "Start Submission" Button.
  • No Registration is required for industry partner.
  • If you have a CO-PI(in case of more than one academic partner) in your proposal, then ensure that your CO-PI is also registered into the system and has filled Profile Detail section under User Profile which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute Address etc.
  • Some of the details of your proposal like Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of project (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters), Budget (Research Personnel,Consumables,Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads ) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Break-up of whole budget (including industrial share) is required to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB as other technical document (OTD). Download Template

Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What is the difference between an EMR project and an Industry relevant R & D Project (IRRD)?

A1: : EMR project is expected to address important and challenging issues resulting in advancement of scientific knowledge whereas IRRD project should undertake research in addressing specific problems identified by the industry. The outcome of such research will be beneficial to the industry. IRRD projects should have an industrial partner, and the industry should contribute at least 50 % of the approved project cost.


Q2: Can I apply for a project under Scheme for Industry relevant R&D (IRRD) when I am already implementing another project (such as EMR) in SERB?

A2: Yes. You can apply and implement an IRRD project, in addition any other project being implemented by you in SERB.


Q3: I want to apply for IRRD scheme for the first time. What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

A3: An upper limit of Rs. 1Cr is fixed for a project grant with at least 50 % share from the industry. This ceiling can be relaxed based on the merit of the project and the need for higher investment.


Q4: Has the Board identified industrially relevant areas for support under this IRRD scheme?

A4: No. Both the partners (academic and Industry) should talk to each other and identify the research areas. SERB will have no roll in this aspect.


Q5: I am currently executing an IRRD project in the area of Chemical Sciences. I want to apply for another IRRD project in Engineering Sciences. Will I be funded another project?

A5: Yes. You can apply any number of projects under IRRD scheme provided Industry is willing to support such research.


Q6: Are Co-Investigators allowed in IRRD project? If they are from different institutions, can the budget be provided separately to both the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s)?

A6: Yes. Co-Investigator(s) are allowed in IRRD project, provided the work proposed require complementary expertise for its implementation. Separate budget can also be provided to the Co-Investigator (s) even if they belong to different institutions.


Q7: Can more than one Industry be involved in a project? If yes, how the industry contribution be shared between them?

A7: More than one industrial partner can join with academic partner (one or more) in executing a IRRD project. All the industrial partners jointly should contribute at least 50% of the total approved project.


Q8: Is there any specific time-line for applying proposals under this scheme?

A9: SERB is planning to fix time-lines to call for proposals for each scheme. Please look at notifications in websites ( and for information.